
Bank Insurance
Fee Income Report™
Comprehensive, national, standardized data and performance ratios that measure and compare U.S. banks and bank holding companies by their insurance fee income.


Fee Income Ratings Reports™
Compares, ranks and rates a financial institution to others across the country, region and state, and in its asset-class by nearly 200 performance measurements. Available for insurance brokerage fee income, total insurance fee income, investment fee income, mutual fund & annuity fee income, income from fiduciary activities, wealth management fee income, total noninterest fee income.


Community Bank
Investment Programs Report™
Annual report on the year-to-date performance of community bank retail investment programs. Measures and benchmarks their performance in generating securities brokerage and annuity fee income.


BOLI Holdings Report™
Measures and benchmarks U.S. bank holding companies and banks according to the cash surrender values (CSV) of bank-owned life insurance (BOLI) they hold as well as the resulting risk to these institutions' capital and earnings.


BOLI Capital Concentration Report™
Determines if an institution's BOLI holdings comply with the regulatory requirement from the Interagency Statement on the Purchase and Risk Management of Life Insurance by measuring the degree of concentration of the bank’s BOLI assets, performing a peer analysis of BOLI holdings relative to capital, and assessing whether the bank is “an outlier.”


Bank Wealth Management Report™
Measures and benchmarks the Wealth Management Income at all reporting U.S. banks and bank holding companies.


A Comprehensive Guide to Bank Insurance
Answers the most significant questions those contemplating bank entry into insurance should ask. Shows why banks should undertake insurance operations, why there is a ready market for such services, why there is a potential for profit, what must be done to assure success, and what might be the relationship with the traditional insurance business.


MWA Compliance Checklist for Nondeposit Investment Sales™
Offers a systematic way to evaluate and affirm the compliance-adequacy of the policies and procedures that control an institution’s nondeposit investment sales program. With it, bankers can assess the effectiveness of their programs’ consumer protection features and ensure that implementation and audit are done according to federal guidelines.


How to Sell Insurance From Banks
A combination of insurance industry insight, step-by-step instructions, samples and case studies including what bankers should know before they start, choosing a distribution method, starting an agency, contracts, regulations and more.



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